Serving Uninsured Adult Residents of Marinette, WI and Menominee, MI Counties

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The support of generous donors makes the Free Clinic possible � will you help?

Your tax-deductible, online contribution via PayPal is secure and allows you to use your credit card or bank account. If you have questions, please e-mail us or call the clinic office, , Monday�Thursday, 8 a.m.�3 p.m.



For a receipt from TCFC, please enter your name and address in the "Purpose" field. If your donation is in honor of a living loved one, please let us know and we will send notification of your gift.  

If you prefer to donate by check,

please make payable to "TWIN COUNTIES FREE CLINIC: and mail to:

1301 Cheri Blvd., Suite 116

Marinette, WI 513


Thank you for supporting the mission of your local free clinic!